Saturday, October 8, 2011

Why start a blog?

This past year there have been multiple changes in my life. Not necessarily physical changes, like losing weight or life changes, like getting married; something more radical, more revolutionary. It is as if the world has opened it's brilliance to me, however I am beginning to realize it is me who has become open to seeing the brilliance of the world, which was always there.

My childhood was typical, with the standard issues that go along with being a teenage girl.  I was a bit on the heavy side, so of course, at that time in my life, I tormented myself and lacked a positive self image.  Into my twenties, as I moved on to college, my life ran rampant as my choices were of indulgence and self destruction, again affecting my self confidence.  As my thirties came about, it was time I made amends amd tried to become the best possible person I could be, in all ways considered to be good. However in doing so I was never enough, not good enough, not healthy enough, not giving enough. Another decade of self-abuse and confusion. 

This past year I decided to pursue yoga teacher training at Yoga North in Duluth, MN.  It felt like something that I had to do. At the time I did not have plans to become a yoga teacher, something else encouraged my enrollment. 

During my year training, something happened, something unexpected.  Not like I thought would happen, like being able complete full wheel or find perfect balance in my handstand.  It was deeper, something so big that it needed a blog.

All my life was a struggle with myself.  I never understood how or why this struggle created such conflict in my life.  My girl years of not being pretty enough, my adolescent years of not knowing my sense of self and my early adult years of pushing myself to be the best I could be, it all spurred from a place of selfishness and misunderstanding.  My life was all about me, and I had no clue what that meant.

During my teaching training, I began a new direction in my life.  Instead of a path of self-improvement, I began my exploration of self-discovery.  Things become clear to me, it is not about a destination or achievement, it is about exploring and being curious of how and why you are the way you are. 

My entire life has changed, it is calm, easy and sensational.  I feel more alive then ever before, there is less stress and guilt.  I do not look for answers any more, I just look for the experience.  Also, there is the understanding that everyone has their own experience just as unique as mine and I have come to respect that as well.

So that is what this blog is all about. Sharing experiences in our journey of life.  Experiencing everything in our own body, minds and souls without expectations or attachments.  By doing so, we begin to grow.  To be able to grow, we need to be open to something new and this is difficult when we are clouded in our own judgements, opinions and preconceived notions.

I invite you to explore with me and discover things about yourself and the world just as they are.  Please comment and share anything that has been revealed to you through this process.  My way of life is not one of telling someone to do this or that, to believe this or that, to be this or that; instead it is one to encourage each and every person to be present in their own life and make those decisions for themselves. 

Enjoy the experience!

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