Wednesday, October 12, 2011's not a bad thing.

This past year, my hair was allowed to grow naturally, no highlights or colors. During that time, I had thought to be true to my yoga lifestyle it would be best to let my hair do its thing and not worry about it.  So it grew and  grew and since I am in mid-life (41), my hair was mostly gray with bits of red here and there.  Yesterday, I followed my intution and decided to re-brand myself with fresh look and a bit of color. After three hours at the salon and a full hair make over, my new look has emerged. I love it!

How is it that this has immensely changed my behavior? With my new doo, I find myself so alive and brilliant, and will admit a bit sassy.  Playful banter has been flowing from me whereever I go.  My smile is on 24/7 and just feel so good. 

I begin to wonder if my ego has been boosted up with my new look or if it is because I have been repressing my ego for the last year (through my yoga training) and finally it is been freed.  As you begin to learn about yoga philosophy, there is much conversation about ego and you can began to form an opinion about it.  Ego is bad.  Ego is no good.  Go Ego, go far away, you are a bad influence on me.  Yet this is the only the Ego playing on the Ego.....think about it. What part of you forms opinions and judgements? I believe that would be the Ego.

Amazing what you can learn from one fabolus haircut!  I realized it is important to understand and embrace your Ego and give it the recongnition it deserves.  Just be real and always call it what it is. My thoughts are it is not that the Ego is good or bad, it's just mis-understood.

I am embracing my new source of sassy-ness, with my curly red locks with an understanding it is okay to feel good about looking good, engage in outer beauty without feeling guilty about it. Just call a spade a spade, there is no reason to try to beat up the spade for being a spade.

Make sense? Anyone out there have an experience with an Ego-Acknowleged moment in their life?  Would love to hear about it.

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