Wednesday, March 14, 2012

If you know breath, you know everything!

It is through the ebb and flow of breath where we learn the dance of life. The breath arises and subsides just as thoughts come and go and emotions appear and disappear. As we cross the bridge from the body to the mind with a single breath, we discover the path towards our higher purpose, our true spirit. It is breath that reminds us of the impermanence of life as we see through the veil of the distracted mind and glimpse the true nature of our experience.

With a single breath, you can break through the clouds and find clarity in the present moment. With breath our minds become calm, our bodies become quiet as we steer away from judgment and expectation and harmonize with the intention of the spirit. We learn to be in ourselves.

We are animated with breath. The breath affects our behavior as it directly affects the nervous system. With smooth, steady breath we created evenness within ourselves. From this place of stillness, we begin to understand our own reactions and begin to disassociate acting from them. If our breathing is chaotic, our minds and emotions will be chaotic. If our breathing is steady and easy, our minds and emotions will be steady and easy. By riding the breath, we learn to just experience the dance of life, being in ourselves, learning to let things happen and not forcing life but surrendering to the stillness. 

Through inhaling and exhaling we can unravel ourselves from a state of doing to a state of being, we find inaction in action. In doing so, we cultivate a mind capable of holding attention and allowing us to be in the present moment. We become aware and mindful of who we are, how we react and how we let the past imprison us in the present. It is the tool for us to stop in the moment, be present and stop the worry, anxiety and fear and come back to the stillness of breath, remembering we are only the witness to life.

Taking responsibility for our breath is the first step to taking responsibility for ourselves. The quality of our breath is an indicator of the quality of our life. As we calm the turbulence of the mind, we can perceive the stillness underneath and remember we are all connected. It is through the focus of our breath were we immediately begin to experience our true nature.

By learning to simply breathe, by letting go of control of the breath and trusting your body will know what to do, you find life becomes simple as you let go of trying to control it, you develop trust within yourself and find surrendering your ego to a higher spirit is the natural thing to do.  Simply breathing could quite possibly be the answer to the question, “What is the meaning to life?”.

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